Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Tue, 06/12/2011 - 23:47 A TF2 competition will take place at LANfest 2011. This will be team based and team members will be required to register online or at the event before 1pm.
The tournament at this stage will be a 5v5 (may extend to 6v6 depending on interest). It will be sudden death knockout, with a runners up stage. We may have more stages if there are more than 4 teams or an uneven number of teams.
Time: TBA (after 1pm)
Each stage will consist of:
2 rounds (each team gets a turn defending and attacking for each round)
Maps can be decided between competing teams if they wish, or can be random if an agreement cannot be made.
Servers will be open 15 minutes before each stage of the tournament, and teams will be well informed when their matches will be held.
This will count of King of the LAN, and points will be awarded as follows:
Each team member in the winning team will get 5 points.
Runner-up team members will get 4 points.
3rd team members will get 3 points
4th team members/participation will get 1 point.
To register as a competing team please reply to this point or see the front desk on the day.