Forum Posts: 87

Wed, 30/10/2013 - 09:30 Quoting Gr3mlin:
A: What was that crazy Open source game from last year? with the lazers and the teleports.. and the mass dying of me?
A: Warsow, this is a quake III Arena like deathmatch FPS, it is going for green light on steam.
Here are the suggestions so far with 3 weeks to go.
Battlefield 3
A competition of this game depends on a online server availability and numbers keen. We need an server admin to help run the comp also, worst case we will just fill an empty server and play
DOTA 2 and League of Legends (RTS games generally)
Depends on numbers keen to play*
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Depends on numbers keen ( I have got the dedicated server down incase)
Day Z on ARMA 2
This game does not have competitive multiplayer for a LAN competition correct? It is not a suitable competition game, someone may run a server for freeplay
For the games we will most likely play like last year.
- Team Fortress 2 (6v6 tournament style) FREE TO PLAY via Steam
Players will get into teams of six, and compete in 2 games to determine the winning team.
- Crysis Wars (deathmatch) FREEWARE (Files on DC Hub)
Players will compete solo, highest score wins match.
- Call of Duty 4 (deathmatch) Req cod 4 CD KEY - GAME Files on DC Hub
Players will compete solo, highest score wins match.
- Warsow FREEWARE (1.02 version
FPS DM quake 3 styled with unique art style and features.
- Battlefield 2/3/4 - Version by Attendie vote. BF3/BF4 online admin maybe required.
- Counter Strike: Source/Counter Strike (Gun Game)
- CSGO (Arms race)
- Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam version)
- Flatout 2 (Steam version)
- TeeWorlds 0.62 (
Games without a LAN mode dedicated server make the competition side of things more difficult to arrange and run, Online games without admin control can be problematic to host a good LAN competition format.