Forum Posts: 87

Tue, 15/11/2011 - 22:13 Hi Lanners
What games are you playing in 2011, I'm a WM3 and BF3 player myself. Like to see them get a bash at the lan. However some games need online only servers, we have most games with LAN dedicated server support covered, and basically those are more controllable by us than using an online server (requiring bandwidth on an internet connection)
Steam Games
Steam is great, until during the lan, all the games go out of date and update. We have seen this happen 2 minutes before a comp was starting.
How to best deal with this issue .....
Suggestions by Me...
Battlefield 3 / WM3 / Crysis Wars / HL2DM / L4D2 versus / Trackmania NF / WARSOW!!!
Edited by Gunny on Tue, 15/11/2011 - 22:20
Forum Posts: 1

Tue, 22/11/2011 - 19:27 battlefield 3 all the way even maybe some counter strike source up and going |
Forum Posts: 87

Fri, 02/12/2011 - 21:42 CSS Gun Game is a Comp (see thread)
BF3 is an online only game so we can't control a server for a comp unfortunately love game but no LAN mode
Other Suggestions have been the open source Open Arena (Quake 3 engined FPS)
Forum Posts: 3

Mon, 05/12/2011 - 14:39 hey mate. ive been wodering. what about cod4 and alter iw? maybe even some bfbc2? |
Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Mon, 05/12/2011 - 15:31 Call of Duty 4 is definitely possible. AFAIK, BFBC2 is online only which makes it difficult to LAN 