Forum Posts: 68
Admin, Staff

Sun, 05/10/2008 - 18:15 Here are all the scores and final results for LANfest 08
Battlefield 2 Comp Results
- Player Name: Retep5, | Score: 150, | Points Awarded: 5
- Player Name: =Angry= Falcon, | Score: 85, | Points Awarded: 3
- Player Name: Unleashed, | Score: 82, | Points Awarded: 1
- Player Name: Bingo the pyro, | Score: 79
- Player Name: mr_thing, | Score: 70
- Player Name: Mr Drift, | Score: 63
- Player Name: =Angry=Barbarian, | Score: 37
- Player Name: JoJo, | Score: 35
- Player Name: Ranga, | Score: 34
- Player Name: J|B, | Score: 30
- Player Name: 5ANITY, | Score: 28
- Player Name: =Angry Gilzzy, | Score: 26
- Player Name: defaultPlayer, | Score: 25
- Player Name: ffdumbo, | Score: 22
- Player Name: Cleatus Yokel, | Score: 22
- Player Name: {HDB} FRAGGY, | Score: 18
- Player Name: LANfestn00b, | Score: 16
- Player Name: Get off my Lawn, | Score: 12
- Player Name: TurboSnail, | Score: 10
- Player Name: BuCKeT, | Score: 10
- Player Name: Cr@!g, | Score: 2
- Player Name: =[BOC]= ffdumbo, | Score: 2
- Player Name: strech, | Score: 0
- Player Name: |2ichie, | Score: 0
Call of Duty 4 Comp Results
- Player Name: sila.evasion, | Score: 841, | Points Awarded: 5
- Player Name: |2ichie, | Score: 591, | Points Awarded: 3
- Player Name: Retep5, | Score: 572, | Points Awarded: 1
- Player Name: =Angry= Falcon, | Score: 555
- Player Name: Mr Drift, | Score: 308
- Player Name: JoJo, | Score: 289
- Player Name: mr_thing, | Score: 289
- Player Name: =Angry= Gilzzy, | Score: 267
- Player Name: YourMum, | Score: 139
- Player Name: Xelvis, | Score: 101
- Player Name: Rory, | Score: 68
- Player Name: J|B, | Score: 43
- Player Name: Cr@!g, | Score: 28
- Player Name: {HDB} FRAGGY, | Score: 18
- Player Name: BingoThePyro, | Score: 15
- Player Name: TurboSnail, | Score: 1
- Player Name: =[BOC]= ffdumbo, | Score: -2
- Player Name: Get off my Lawn, | Score: -15
- Player Name: Cpt Win, | Score: -60
Counter-Strike Source Comp Results
- Player Name: sila.evasion, | Score: 28, | Points Awarded: 5
- Player Name: Dragon, | Score: 22, | Points Awarded: 3
- Player Name: Mr Drift, | Score: 19, | Points Awarded: 1
- Player Name: pAceMaker, | Score: 19
- Player Name: Get off my Lawn, | Score: 19
- Player Name: |2ichie, | Score: 15
- Player Name: Your Mum, | Score: 14
- Player Name: Cleatus Yokel, | Score: 13
- Player Name: Unleashed, | Score: 10
- Player Name: silverfalcon, | Score: 10
- Player Name: gizmoguy, | Score: 8
- Player Name: Cpt Win, | Score: 8
- Player Name: Bingo the pyro, | Score: 8
- Player Name: DarkCloud, | Score: 7
- Player Name: =[BOC]= ffdumbo, | Score: 5
- Player Name: {HDB} FRAGGY, | Score: 5
- Player Name: Megant99, | Score: 4
- Player Name: 5ANITY, | Score: 3
- Player Name: strech, | Score: 3
- Player Name: Cr@!g, | Score: 2
UT 2004 Comp Results
- Player Name: =Angry=Barbarian, | Score: 50, | Points Awarded: 5
- Player Name: =Angry= Falcon, | Score: 47, | Points Awarded: 3
- Player Name: Dragon, | Score: 40, | Points Awarded: 1
- Player Name: Bingo the pyro, | Score: 37
- Player Name: pAceMaker, | Score: 37
- Player Name: YourMum, | Score: 36
- Player Name: Megant99, | Score: 35
- Player Name: =Angry Gilzzy, | Score: 35
- Player Name: Get off my LAWN, | Score: 33
- Player Name: Cpt Win, | Score: 32
- Player Name: {HDB} FRAGGY, | Score: 32
- Player Name: Unleashed, | Score: 32
- Player Name: JoJo, | Score: 28
- Player Name: =[BOC]= ffdumbo, | Score: 26
- Player Name: Cletus Yokel, | Score: 14
- Player Name: Slider, | Score: 9
- Player Name: Strech, | Score: 5
LANfest 08 Current Winning Points Tally
- Player Name: sila.evasion | Points Awarded: 10
- Player Name: =Angry= Falcon | Points Awarded: 6
- Player Name: Retep5 | Points Awarded: 6
- Player Name: =Angry=Barbarian | Points Awarded: 5
- Player Name: Dragon | Points Awarded: 4
- Player Name: |2ichie | Points Awarded: 3
- Player Name: Unleashed | Points Awarded: 1
- Player Name: Mr Drift | Points Awarded: 1
(These results were given from an automated system) |