Forum Posts: 87

Mon, 25/08/2008 - 20:35 Not everyone can play Crysis. Sad but true, and some of you have no money for a huge collection of $99 premium games, right?
Well their is another way to go, freeware games that cost nothing and you can download before a LAN and get good at them.
Post you suggestions here of what you think are good freeware games, and we will have a server with them running and a download server for those on dial up or just lazy.
Some competitions might be exclusively freeware so everyone can play them. |
Forum Posts: 20
Admin, Staff

Tue, 26/08/2008 - 17:44 I agree with ya Gunny, I think promoting more freeware games at lanfest would level the playing field out a bit and at the same time would be a whole lot of fun. It would also help with those "preparation" issues we've had in the past 
Some freeware games just off the top of my head:
- Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (One of the best freeware games IMO)
- UrbanTerror
- Sauerbraten
- Warsow
I'll post back with more if I think of others. |
Forum Posts: 5

Fri, 29/08/2008 - 12:47 Trackmania! ^_^ |
sila.logitech ~ www.sila.net.nz
Forum Posts: 87

Sat, 30/08/2008 - 13:42 Its really a time trial not a real race (ghosts not cars) and um is not to my taste, what does everyone else think?
Thx for the suggestion lets hear moar
Forum Posts: 87

Sat, 30/08/2008 - 14:01 I have found that WolfET has few players these days, great game but totally 'old school' now. And it has a learning curve that is not newbie friendly. Like if you dont know the maps you are stuffed. Only having one decent ping NZ server kills a game. Its not just my call but we have tried and failed with Wolf ET before remember, it caused a mass exodus at Lan #1.
Getting ET is proves who old and out of it it is... no simple link!
Warsow can be put on the list for sure. Get the latest version installed / patched its VERSION 0.42 not what we played last lan.
Alien Arena 2008 (VERSION 7.10) is also a freeware and a Linux compatible one, but I think Warsow is better, what do you think.
Or should we just play Quake 3 Arena, which is what they are all copied/similar/based on anyway.
If you own a ATI/AMD or a nVidia card (EVERY ONE SHOULD!) you would have received a "free steam" offer in your drivers, which includes HL2DM, lost coast and Portal (demo) well I suggest you get the HL2DM part at least as we will play that im sure and it is "FREEWARE" if you have a video card. Integrated Intel can play ... um ... something else.
While your their grab TRACKMANIA FOREVER free on steam! It will probably be played (maybe not a competition ... freeplay)
Forum Posts: 20
Admin, Staff

Sun, 31/08/2008 - 17:23 >>I have found that WolfET has few players these days, great game but totally 'old school' now. And it has a >>learning curve that is not newbie friendly. Like if you dont know the maps you are stuffed. Only having one >>decent ping NZ server kills a game. Its not just my call but we have tried and failed with Wolf ET before >>remember, it caused a mass exodus at Lan #1.
That's what I like about ET, its very skill based and you can't just go in there first time playing it and kill everyone, so it gets very competitive, if everyone learnt the basic maps I think we could get a very good competition going.
Lots of people still play ET, its ranked 8th top played game on Xfire and has ~14,738 Xfire users playing per day.
The NZ contingent still playing ET is smaller then it was sure, but lots of Aussies still play it and if you combine Aussie and NZ servers there are still quite a few around.
BTW is it only me that still plays ET out of all the other LANfest members? Surely others must have tried it in the past/still play it, would be interested to set up a time that I can book a server so we can play one night.
I don't know why but this game bores me, I've played it a few times and just haven't opened it since cause I don't find it that fun. |
Forum Posts: 87

Sun, 21/09/2008 - 17:58 Oh aren't I 1337
No seriously
I have a ded server which we can use for freeplay games of stuff now I has also got ...
Alien Arena 7.10
Warsow 0.42
Soldat 1.42
Plus the usual TF2, CSS mods, UT24k etc.
Roll on freeware Freeplay at LANfest.
I will have installers for the freeware on a share as well. |