Forum Posts: 87

Sun, 04/03/2012 - 15:24 KISS IT Gaming is hosting a Lan party this Saturday at the Kiss IT offices off Hull Road
Register your interest and more information at
Join the Steam Group and Post that your attending and for announcements
Lots of PC games will be played, including .... TF2, Battlefield 3, COD xyz, Trackmania Nations forever, HL2 Deathmatch, Quake Live, soldat, L4D2 versus, um I forget, BF BC2, OK Im lost now, Alan Wake and Single Player, Solitaire, YOU BLOODY Know where at a LAN right.
We usually have most of the LANfest game servers in LAN mode there so we can dedicated server the games we play.
Numbers are limited to 20 gamers (not for steam chat internet raper).
This Saturday at the Mount. Starting at 1pm till late
Tell a friend, tell the neighbours!
Uber Karma for the one who bring the most friends!
Bring some food money as we go off to KFC, BK, Pizza Hut or McDonalds for dinner, they are only a few minutes away. Drinks available from $2 to $2.50 (bring some coins) (Fridge is bung but might be go for sat)
Unit 15 / 23 Tukorako Drive, Mount Maunganui
(Off Hull Road, turn at Celtex, Next Driveway, just past the tuck shop)
Email: for any questions
Google maps for the lazy people
Register to confirm your seat
COST $2 GOLD COIN or MORE if your a GC
T L DR : PC LAN party at the Mount, Cost is $2, 1PM to Late, RSVP for seat or try your luck at the door. Oh we game |