Forum Posts: 68
Admin, Staff

Tue, 17/11/2009 - 10:40 It is getting closer and closer to LANfest now so here is a checklist you can follow to ensure you have a good time at LANfest.
- Your PC + Screen
- Keyboard + Mouse
- Mousepad
- Power Leads
- A Network Cable
- A Power Board
- We will only be providing each person a single power plug.
- Some Money
- For Pizza and refreshments on the day, Just remember - there is a service station and a few takeaway places next to the hall
- You printed LANfest Ticket
- If you bring your LANfest ticket, it is much quicker to get through check-in
- Steam
- Make sure steam is able to start in offline mode
- Run steam FRIDAY NIGHT to ensure you got the latest updates
- Our server will be updated before the LAN.. so please ensure your steam is up to date
- Your PC software
- PLEASE ensure that any internet connection sharing features are DISABLED otherwise we can have issues at the LAN
- UPDATE YOUR ANTIVIRUS this is an important one. We don't want viruses and neither do other attendees.. Make sure you update your antivirus and scan your computer BEFORE coming to the LAN
- Make sure your games are up to date..
- We will be sharing the patches anyway at the LAN
- If you plan to share files... get a DC++ client off the internet such as StronDC++ or ApexDC++ (Whichever you preferr and hash your shares so others can access them. It will also reduce the need to hash at the LAN which can reduce your pc performance while gaming
- Points outlined by Gunny in a prior post
- Deoderant
- And know how to use it. It will be hot i tells you
- Lollies
- Reduces your need for food other than a pizza to sugar fix all day. No Diabetes does not run in the family
- Drink
- Engergy drinks make you hyper. YOU need HYPER right
- Toilet Paper.
- Its a public hall someones flat has all their loo rolls
- Tissues
- for all the QQ'ing when you loose sorry they loose, nah for pizza crust off your top.
- Windows Recovery Disk
- Windows Disks. It aint a lan unless someone reinstalls windows dude. It might be you. The moment you borrow mine ill need it.
If there is anything you think i have missed, please add it to this thread |
Edited by FRAGGYnz on Tue, 17/11/2009 - 17:43

Forum Posts: 13

Tue, 17/11/2009 - 22:19 Bring your game face guys |
sorry you wanted mercy i don't think so
Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 21:00 Quoting ffdumbo:
Bring your game face guys
Forum Posts: 87

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 21:50 Seriously
Here's what NOT to bring or DO at LANfest
Come with Swine Flu. I dont care that your keen. If your vomitting your spleen stay MILES away from a hall full of people. It's on again next year.
Pr0n. Pr0n is kool, execept that video file your sharing better be a harmless youtube rip rather than something else called 39883.flv. Badly sorted, named and generally dodgy files are best not shared period.
Full screen video previewing. Of video files you randomly find will most likely embarise us, your familty and friends and anyone within 2 km's of your screen. so um dont do it bro.
Sevre Allergic Reactions. If you never eat a takeaway because well you dont eat crap. Just cause it's handy, cheap or someones going to that place, stick to what you know. trust me Deli Belly post lan takes the polish off a good day.
Gigs for Gigs sake. So you just bought a new huge drive. The urgue to fill it can be powerful. However post lan light of day will see you deleting tons of it. Be smart and you'll have less junk to wade through later. |
Forum Posts: 87

Tue, 24/11/2009 - 23:35 MOAR
Bring your computer chair or you will be sitting on a plastic public hall chair. ok for a meeting but all day. bring a chair molded to your butt.
Hash your shares. we recommend a DC++ client for file sharing so start now hashing your GAZZILION files. especially on USB 2.0 externals. Took 22hours on a previous lan 
Drivers. If you have not had a issue with all your games, then DONT put new sound, video or motherboard drivers in a day or two before the lan, but if you have not done so for ages. It might boost your performance in games.
Wash your Keyboard. A quick spray and wipe might remove the bodily fluids and pizza slime. Cause its not cool when ppl see your rig in daylight you vampire. |