Forum > General LANfest Talk - General - LANfest > Places To Regualy Lan
Forum Posts: 2

Tue, 28/12/2010 - 18:28 Hey all, my names Josh, I did the avonmore course couple years back and am now a IT Techy Working for a IT Business who contract me out to Greeenpark Primary School everyday and work in their office in the arvos, I mainly do networking, But i do enjoy building a cheap rig and overclocking the sh*t out of it. Anyway, My boss allows me and my mates to use the office after hours to hav lans in, the office would comfortably sit 30 ppl and has a Patch Panel setup and 15mb broadband. And I could posibly talk the Principle of the school into allowing me to use the School Hall, which is also networked out to host bigger lan events in. Of course the school might want a power bill cost coverage of the night.
But if people were keen i can get onto it.
Josh |
Edited by josh(420) on Tue, 28/12/2010 - 18:29
Forum Posts: 87

Mon, 03/01/2011 - 09:18 I have been away from town and just checked site. Good on you for trying to get more LANing in town going.
We can see if your LAN plans can be integrated with LANfest steam group.
I'm hosting lans most weekends and even mid week until the end of the holidays
Not so much activity on these forums atm so steam would be where to post annoucements and chat about things.
I got back in town on 1st at 3.30pm and LAN was here from 5pm to 5am. Next Day had Greaver here all day rebuilding his pc and other guys till 2am lanning.
I hear KISS IT is holding a LAN Sat and I might be hosting some LANfest staff and friends here or we will all go over to KISS IT's depends on numbers. They have had 5 upto 10 or so in the past, if my mates all rock over to the mount.
Site is a bit temporary looking, mainly its to get on an email list. I prefer steam group annoucements.
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