Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Wed, 19/09/2012 - 21:29 As of 19th September 2012 these are the official games we will be running tournaments for. Spot tournaments may be run on the day as well as the ones listed if there is enough interest, and enough time during the day. Multiple rounds will be played of each game.
- Team Fortress 2 (6v6 tournament style)
Players will get into teams of six, and compete in 2 games to determine the winning team.
- Crysis Wars (deathmatch)
Players will compete solo, highest score wins match.
- Call of Duty 4 (deathmatch)
Players will compete solo, highest score wins match.
- Battlefield 2
Players will compete solo, highest scoring player on the winning team wins match
- Counter Strike: Source/Counter Strike:GO (GunGame/Arms race)
Players will compete solo, highest scoring player wins match. (CS:S or CS:GO will be decided on popularity vote at the LAN)
- Left 4 Dead 1 or 2
Players will get in teams of four. Will compete in multiple rounds to determine winning team.
- Flatout 2
Destruction derby round-robin. Multiple games will be running at one time, the top scorers on each game will compete in a final round. Highest score on final round wins match.