Forum Posts: 20
Admin, Staff

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 18:31 So its that time again for me this year, preparing the various backend servers to make sure the LANfest network works smoothly and securely.
In the past I've always setup a DC server but I've found that no more than say 2 people even bother to sign in and the hub is left empty most of the day.
So I am wondering if I bother again with a DC server, or maybe do a IRC server instead just for chatting?
Could you share your thoughts/opinions so I can make sure I'm not wasting my time this year by setting up things that won't be used. |
Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 19:04 I'd say we promo leeching over the DC++ server as windows file sharing is as slow as f***.
Forum Posts: 68
Admin, Staff

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 19:17 we aren't gonna turn into an event like hamlan are we  |

Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 19:45 No but people will still need to leech s***  |
Forum Posts: 20
Admin, Staff

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 19:48 So 1 vote for DC (cr@!g) 1 vote for don't bother with either (fraggy) |
Forum Posts: 87

Mon, 15/09/2008 - 22:30 I want leechers to get there pr0n just not at the expense of the gaming. Apparently QOS'ing the gaming ports helps. Also limit/monitor for excessive bandwidth us.
I remember 900 pings on quake 3 arena at lanfest 1. I WILL NEVER FORGET
Forum Posts: 5

Tue, 16/09/2008 - 12:25 DC++ over IRC IMO. DC++ is primarily for file sharing but it also has the added chat support which you get joined in automatically anyway so its less hassle.
Yes, IRC does have DCC support but its much more hassle than DC++.  |
sila.logitech ~ www.sila.net.nz
Forum Posts: 20
Admin, Staff

Tue, 16/09/2008 - 16:42 IRC would be for chat and no filesharing as I know there are lots of people out there who think leeching shouldn't be the main purpose of a LAN network (I tend to agree as well)
>> Apparently QOS'ing the gaming ports helps. Also limit/monitor for excessive bandwidth us.
We won't be QOSing the network as it can cause more hassles then it solves sometimes, you need fairly powerful network equipment to handle QOSing at high throughputs and at LANfest we prefer to make use of cheaper components to keep the cost of the tickets down.
So I think the consensus at this stage is roll with a DC server and monitor for overuse, thanks for your input guys. |
Forum Posts: 69
Admin, Staff

Tue, 16/09/2008 - 17:26 Yeah. I don't see it as the main purpose, but there will be games that some will need to leech on the day. And we all got to admit that My Network Places is sh*tty for finding stuff 
Besides, our network is improved so we shouldn't have the problems we had at first LAN. We can monitor the DC++ and limit speed if we need to.
Hence why I think DC could be the best way to manage leeching at this LAN. |
Forum Posts: 87

Tue, 16/09/2008 - 22:34 should we have a preferred client? And will hashing be enabled, otherwise searching DOES NOT WORK, which ruins it as a downloader. you have to browse each user .... which is gay
BTW I will be sharing only a few freeware game installers and patches 