Forum Posts: 68
Admin, Staff

Wed, 27/10/2010 - 22:25 As of last week, we now have stats running for our Left4Dead, Left4Dead2 and Team Fortress 2 Servers.
You can see where you currently rank online at anytime by going to
You can also see your stats in game too **all these commands need to be typed into game chat**
For the full menu: /hlx Your Ranking: rank Your Stats for the current game: statsme
Set your name for the stats: /hlx_set realname Joe Bloggs Set your email address for the stats: /hlx_set email Set your website address for the stats: /hlx_set homepage
If you want to hide your stats in game for any reason: /hlx_hideranking
More information / explanations can be found by clicking "Help" on the stats page
** CLANS! **
If you want your clan details set, PM me your clan info and i can set those on your clan stats page |