Forum Posts: 87

Sat, 22/01/2011 - 12:39 I have regular private lans at my place. It has tables and some chairs, bring your own for cumfort. We have 2 gaming grade PC's for those missing some of the games or no space. I have had upto 10 ppl in the lounge before but we have 5 regulars and need some new blood.
Via Steam Page : Where : 1 Block from Tauranga Hospital When : 1pm onwards. Usually rap around 1am or so What : LAN games. DC++. Shit talking, Case Mod Showing, Asking Gunny how to do s***, Failing at fileshares (Greaver). Bring : PC, LAN cable, Power Board and Chair. Headphones BONUS : 4 mins to KFC, Burger Fuel, Dominos and McD's
Games we Play TF2 is always played Flatout 2 (8 PLAYER DEMO DERBY FTW) Quake III Arena (OLD SKOOL SKILZ) Left for Dead 1 + 2 (8 vs would be sweet) Borderlands + ALL DLC (Damn 4 player limit) UT3 or UT2004 BF2 1.50 COD 2 classic 4/5/6/7/8 whatever if we cbf playing Plus WHAT EVER WE ALL HAVE. I can stuff quite a few ppl in my lounge.  |