Forum Posts: 87

Thu, 21/10/2010 - 15:19
Tauranga Garage LAN Monday (Labour Weekend)
Hey it's Gunny, you might know me from LANfest and TF2 over the last few hundred years. I have regular private lans at my place. We need MOAR people who love a good LAN session.
If you are keen to come to a old fashioned lan where we play LAN games and not nambie pambie online only games (I love dedicated servers)
Keen then Post in thread, PM me or on steam*
* Please ask via chat first DONT just add me as a friend . I get dozens of randoms spamming friends requests
Steam Page :
Where : 1 Block from Tauranga Hospital When : 1pm onwards. Usually rap around 1am What : LAN games. DC++ Bring : PC, LAN cable, Power Board and Chair. Headphones
BONUS : Close to KFC, Burger Fuel, Dominos and McD's
Games Usually Played TF2 is always played! Rock on TF2 Left for Dead 1 + 2 Borderlands + (DLC) Flatout 2 Quake III Arena UT3 BF2 WM2 (tricky but can be done) COD4 (not so much) Crysis Wars (free to LAN woo) Any others I forgot and there are quite a few |