Forum > General Talk - Archive > Your Input On LANfest 08

Your Input On LANfest 08

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Forum Posts: 68

Admin, Staff


Sun, 05/10/2008 - 11:59
What did you think of LANfest 08?
How can we make your next LANfest Experience Better?

We would like to know, please post here your thoughts on LANfest 08


Moar games

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Forum Posts: 20

Admin, Staff


Sun, 05/10/2008 - 16:17
I think we should aim for more games next time round (would have liked to see TF2 and HL2 DM comps run) also if we are going to have a schedule of competitions with exact times on the projector no less we should try and stick to it, otherwise we should just put out a 'competition guide' that lists possible games but makes it clear games are decided based on what people can run on the day.

Other then that I think it went great and all of the staff put a lot of effort into making everything run so smoothly, so looking forward to the next one!


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Forum Posts: 3


Sun, 05/10/2008 - 21:01
Would have helped if the rules of each comp was explained and how scoring would work.

Also was put off by being told the comp starts in 1 min and then again 30 mins later the comp starts in 1 min...

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